Esther van der Ham, founder of DiscoverU:
"What I love to do most is to develop the full potential of people."
Already during my studies and the early years of my career, I discovered how little attention was paid to the basics of how we function; our awareness of ourselves and our actions. While this has so much impact.
I saw that when I was more aware and made my choices from this awareness, in my projects, with my clients, with my friends and with myself, that everything went much easier and better. More naturally.
I knew I had something to contribute here, both for myself and for the people around me. That was the beginning of DiscoverU.
Through DiscoverU, I am a “tour guide” who guides others on the journey of discovering themselves and their potential. To start living according to this step-by-step. As a result, they experience more satisfaction, joy and synchronicity in their daily lives. Both professionally and privately.
My goal
My goal is to make this journey together with relaxation, joy and energy, and very practical and simple. This gives more peace, more satisfaction and brings results that really matter. Not only for people themselves but for everyone around them. So together we bring the essence into practice and more life into everyone's lives!
How do I do that?
Besides many different practical tools and methodologies such as Theory-U, Systemic Work and Appreciative Inquiry, I draw on my sensitivity, my years of (international) experience, and profound universal wisdom. In addition, I have a fantastic, valuable network with whom I am very happy to collaborate on specific themes and larger programs.
Are you curious? Make an appointment for a good conversation with good coffee. I look forward to it!
Esther van der Ham
Meet the DiscoverU partners
The strength of my programs lies in the fact that I collaborate with a network of experts in different fields. This makes it possible to tailor programs and bring together the right partners for this purpose.
Here are DiscoverU's fantastic partners: